Win Nova Weetman’s critically acclaimed memoir “Love, Death and Other Scenes”

Sign up to our newsletter and go into the running to win one of two signed copies of Nova Weetmans’s unforgettable memoir. Love, Death and Other Scenes reflects on experiences of love and loss from throughout Nova’s life, including: losing her beloved partner, playwright Aidan Fennessy, during the 2020 Covid lockdown; the death of her… Continue reading Win Nova Weetman’s critically acclaimed memoir “Love, Death and Other Scenes”

Win a copy of Georgina Banks’s deeply moving intergenerational family story “Back To Bangka”

Sign up to our newsletter and go into the running to win one of two signed copies of Georgina Bank’s gripping retelling of a real-life wartime massacre. In Back to Bangka, Georgina Banks searches for the truth of what happened to her Great Aunt ‘Bud’, killed in the Second World War. Bangka Strait, Indonesia, 1942.… Continue reading Win a copy of Georgina Banks’s deeply moving intergenerational family story “Back To Bangka”

Win a copy of Anna McGregor’s gorgeous new picture book – Spiro

Sign up to our newsletter and go into the running to win a signed copy of Anna McGregor’s inspired picture book on try, try, trying again. Spiro’s formula for spidery success: 11% hunger to succeed (or actual hunger) 34% trying again and again … and again! 53% giving it another shot And 2% spider silk.… Continue reading Win a copy of Anna McGregor’s gorgeous new picture book – Spiro