Season 3: Genre shifts, giving crime victims agency and the value of a short bio

While maintaining that ice skating is ‘not natural at all’ and ‘bullshit’, Mandy Beaumont makes it round the rink in inimitable style. Mandy and Tania discuss the reasons for Mandy’s move from literary fiction to crime, the importance of giving victims a voice – ‘these women contain multitudes’ – and setting a novel in the 80s. Who remembers dewberry perfume?

Tania manages to persuade Mandy to let go of the edge, and even glide a little, while Lucinda succeeds in getting Tania to demonstrate a dramatic fall on ice.

Mandy’s new crime novel, The Thrill of It, will be out across Australia and New Zealand with Hachette Publishing in March 2025.

Visit Mandy’s website here.